Monday, December 11, 2006

Low Carb Diet

Low Carb Diet Plan is not just about cutting out sugar and starchy food. It also means replacing all those carbs you cut out with quality protein foods, and quality fats as well. With properly planned low carb diet plans, your body will burn mostly fat, and will preserve the lean muscle. If you exercise, you will add lean muscle while losing fat, which will increase your metabolic rate, and increase the fat-burning effect. Muscle tissue weighs more than fat, but takes up less bulk, so you may find yourself getting smaller in size without seeing a drastic drop on the scales. Low Carb Diet Plan helps you in controlling your hunger and cravings. And most low carbohydrate plans allow unlimited amounts of allowed foods, so you eat when hungry, and as much as you need to ease your hunger.

The most popular Low Carb Diet plans are: Dr. Atkins diet , Protein Power , Carbohydrate Addicts and the Zone diet .

Low Carb Diet Plan Basics for Healthy Weight Loss:

  • Drink lots of water. Water affects fat loss. If you're on a ketogenic diet (Atkins induction phase, Protein Power phase one, etc.), it's essential to flush out the ketones and waste products from the fat you're losing. Eight glasses a day is the minimum and is not enough for most overweight people.
  • Add yogurt to your Daily Program. Cultured milk products restore healthful bacteria to your body and are usually well tolerated even by people who have problems with dairy.
  • Eat Sardines. Sardines are a quick, easy, inexpensive source of first class protein and omega-3 fats. If your particular low-carb program permits it, eat sardines with some low-carb, low-sugar crackers like Wasa bread.
  • If You Need Dessert, Ask for Cheese and Berries or Berries and Cream.
  • Eat regularly spaced meals and snacks, approximately every 4 to 5 hours, to avoid feeling famished and to keep energy levels high.
  • Eliminate as much sugar as possible from your diet: soda, sweetened beverages, fruit juice, cookies, cakes, candies.
  • Choose as many unprocessed foods as possible.
  • Drink water between meals. If you must have flavored water, make your own. (Even sugar-free flavored water is high in artificial sweeteners, which will perpetuate your sweet tooth.) Add lemon, lime or orange slices to plain seltzer water for a refreshing taste without sugar.
  • Eat Protein at Every Meal. Every single meal should have protein in it. Ideally, so should every snack. The body recognizes protein (and fat) as something that you have a need for; therefore, the appetite-control mechanisms that send messages from your gut to your brain signaling that you've had enough food work well with protein (something they do not do with carbohydrates).
  • Eat Slowly and Savor Every Bite. Chewing your food slowly and thoroughly, putting your fork down between bites and actually enjoying what you're eating can help you lose weight.
  • Eat Breakfast Every Day. When you skip breakfast, among the many other negative things that happen is that insulin release is greater at the next meal than it would otherwise have been. Blood sugar is destabilized. You're more likely to be subject to cravings.

Take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement for nutrition insurance.

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